12 research outputs found

    Maximizing Operations Processes of a Potential World Class University Using Mathematical Model

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    Many Universities are striving to attain the status of a World Class University. Some Parameters used in ranking universities include: Quality of education and teaching, Research, citation, international outlook, Alumni, Awards and Industry Outlook, operations and processes of a potential world class university should be directed optimally towards these parameters. This paper proposes a simple method of maximizing the operations processes of such universities in order to attain world class status. Operations Research techniques are employed to model the situation and solutions obtained using simplex method with the aid of computer software. It is observed that a lot of attention have to be paid to research publications, Alumni employment and international collaboration and linkages. Also the manpower should be motivated in order to become a world class university

    Effects of User Experience on Identity Authentication in the Nigerian E-banking Environment

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    A positive user authentication experience in e-banking is becoming increasingly challenging for providers of banking services. Users experience is crucial in justifying moneys spent in technologies. The use of Technology and its acceptance is a field of learning that researchers are working assiduously to discover factors affecting user identity authentication experience in e-banking. The study will investigate the factors affecting user experience in identity authentication in Nigeria e-banking environment using UTAUT model. Statistical methods will be used for analysis. The geographical scope of this work will be restricted to federal capital territory (FCT) in North Central Nigeria. Bank officials and customers will be selected from FCT and samples will be drawn through purposive sampling technique. Findings will disclose factors affecting user authentication experience. Recommendations will be made and the model derived which is UTAUT elements will make contributions extensively to the body of literature

    ICT Usage and Learning Outcomes of Pupils in Primary Schools in Uganda

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    Learning Outcomes of pupils have become an issue of concern in developing countries. Resource poor countries have decried the poor performance of pupils each year, and yet few schools use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance pupil engagement and learning outcomes. Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, the study is a cross-sectional survey, with a proportionate random sample of primary schools drawn from both rural and urban settings. This study intends to assess the existing ICT infrastructure, the extent of ICT usage as well as the effect of ICT usage and pupil engagement on the learning outcomes of pupils in the primary schools in Uganda

    Wykorzystanie g艂臋bokich sieci neuronowych w ograniczaniu zmian klimatycznych zwi膮zanych z konfliktem farmer贸w i pasterzy w ramach inicjatywy na rzecz zr贸wnowa偶onej integracji spo艂ecznej

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    Peaceful coexistence of farmers and pastoralists is becoming increasingly elusive and has adverse impact on agricultural revolution and global food security. The targets of Sustainable Development Goal 16 (SDG 16) include promoting peaceful and inclusive societies for sustainable development, providing access to justice for all and building effective, accountable and inclusive institutions at all levels. As a soft approach and long term solution to the perennial farmers-herdsmen clashes with attendant humanitarian crisis, this study proposes a social inclusion architecture using deep neural network (DNN). This is against the backdrop that formulating policies and implementing programmes based on unbiased information obtained from historical agricultural data using intelligent technology like deep neural network (DNN) can be handy in managing emotions. In this vision paper, a DNN-based Farmers-Herdsmen Expert System (FHES) is proposed based on data obtained from the Nigerian National Bureau of Statistics for tackling the incessant climate change-induced farmers-herdsmen clashes, with particular reference to Nigeria. So far, many lives have been lost. FHES is modelled as a deep neural network and trained using farmers-herdsmen historical data. Input variables used include land, water, vegetation, and implements while the output is farmers/herders disposition to peace. Regression analysis and pattern recognition performed by the DNN on the farmers-herdsmen data will enrich the inference engine of FHES with extracted rules (knowledge base). This knowledge base is then relied upon to classify future behaviours of herdsmen/farmers as well as predict their dispositions to violence. Critical stakeholders like governments, service providers and researchers can leverage on such advisory to initiate proactive and socially inclusive conflict prevention measures such as people-friendly policies, programmes and legislations. This way, conflicts can be averted, national security challenges tackled, and peaceful atmosphere guaranteed for sustainable development.   Pokojowe wsp贸艂istnienie rolnik贸w i pasterzy staje si臋 coraz mnie realne, co ma negatywny wp艂yw na rewolucj臋 rolnicz膮 i globalne bezpiecze艅stwo 偶ywno艣ciowe. Cele zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju (SDG 16) obejmuj膮 promowanie tworzenia pokojowych i zintegrowanych spo艂ecze艅stw na rzecz zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju, zapewnienie wszystkim dost臋pu do uczciwego wymiaru sprawiedliwo艣ci i tworzenie skutecznych, odpowiedzialnych i integruj膮cych instytucji na wszystkich poziomach. W ramach 艂agodnego podej艣cia i d艂ugofalowego podej艣cia do problemu konflikt贸w rolnik贸w-pasterzy w kontek艣cie kryzysu humanitarnego, w niniejszym artykule zaproponowano architektur臋 integracji spo艂ecznej wykorzystuj膮c膮 g艂臋bok膮 sie膰 neuronow膮 (DNN). Formu艂owanie polityki i wdra偶anie program贸w w oparciu o obiektywne informacje uzyskane z historycznych danych przy u偶yciu inteligentnej technologii, takiej jak g艂臋boka sie膰 neuronowa (DNN), mo偶e by膰 przydatne w zarz膮dzaniu emocjami. W niniejszym artykule zaproponowano oparty na danych uzyskanych od Nigeryjskiego Narodowego Urz臋du Statystycznego system ekspercki rolnik贸w-pasterzy (FHES) oparty na DNN w celu przeciwdzia艂aniu nieustannym starciom rolnik贸w-pasterzy wywo艂anych zmianami klimatu, ze szczeg贸lnym uwzgl臋dnieniem Nigerii. Do tej pory wiele by艂o ofiar. System FHES jest modelowany jako g艂臋boka sie膰 neuronowa, przy u偶yciu danych historycznych hodowc贸w-pasterzy. Zastosowane zmienne wej艣ciowe obejmuj膮 ziemi臋, wod臋, ro艣linno艣膰 i narz臋dzia, podczas gdy zmienne wyj艣ciowe to rolnicy-pasterze sk艂onni do pokoju. Analiza regresji i rozpoznawanie wzorc贸w przeprowadzone przez DNN na danych rolnik贸w-pasterzy wzbogaci mechanizm wnioskowania systemu FHES o wyodr臋bnione regu艂y (baza wiedzy). Podstaw膮 tej wiedzy jest klasyfikacja przysz艂ych zachowa艅 pasterzy/rolnik贸w, a tak偶e przewidywanie ich sk艂onno艣ci do przemocy. Krytyczni interesariusze, tacy jak rz膮dy, dostawcy us艂ug i naukowcy, mog膮 wykorzysta膰 takie doradztwo do zainicjowania proaktywnych i spo艂ecznie w艂膮czaj膮cych 艣rodk贸w zapobiegania konfliktom, takich jak przyjazne dla ludzi polityki, programy i prawodawstwo. W ten spos贸b mo偶na unikn膮膰 konflikt贸w, stawi膰 czo艂a wyzwaniom bezpiecze艅stwa narodowego i zagwarantowa膰 pokojow膮 atmosfer臋 dla zr贸wnowa偶onego rozwoju

    Overcoming barriers to healthcare access and delivery

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    Access to standard and economical health care delivery, availability of significant health information are viewed as some of the most functional public health interventions in present-day history. Despite that, current information obtained from the WHO regarding Nigeria鈥檚 health condition shows that the average existence expectancy is at 54 years and maternal mortality at 608 per 100,000 live births as a result of poor health care services. Several aspects of health informatics have been applied to solve these challenges such as the transformation of records from manual to electronic. Among these are the telemedicine and socialized healthcare, which have been barely adopted in developing nations. This work thus proposes an architectural framework for a cloud-supported socialized healthcare system. In order to achieve this; a web-based application software was designed and implemented through the use of cloud computing technology platforms and server side scripting tools. This study proves that socialized healthcare will really go a long way in defeating barriers of viable human access and delivery.peer-reviewe

    Effects of User Experience on Identity Authentication in the Nigerian E-banking Environment

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    A positive user authentication experience in e-banking is becoming increasingly challenging for providers of banking services. Users experience is crucial in justifying moneys spent in technologies. The use of Technology and its acceptance is a field of learning that researchers are working assiduously to discover factors affecting user identity authentication experience in e-banking. The study will investigate the factors affecting user experience in identity authentication in Nigeria e-banking environment using UTAUT model. Statistical methods will be used for analysis. The geographical scope of this work will be restricted to federal capital territory (FCT) in North Central Nigeria. Bank officials and customers will be selected from FCT and samples will be drawn through purposive sampling technique. Findings will disclose factors affecting user authentication experience. Recommendations will be made and the model derived which is UTAUT elements will make contributions extensively to the body of literature


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    The process by which one generation's wisdom, information, and skills are handed on to the next is known as education and training. Mobile learning (M-Learning) uses mobile devices such as handheld and tablet computers, mp3 players, smart phones, and mobile phones to support the learning process. These cutting-edge technological devices have revolutionised education by allowing students to learn while moving, making the learning experience more engaging, entertaining, and motivating. This has provided people all around the world with a complete means of transmitting and sharing information. Science is both a process and a body of knowledge, and students learn science by participating in both the content and the methodology. This study investigates the use of mobile learning in the teaching of science sustainable development. Also, it examines the concept of mobile learning, its relevance in the teaching of science, challenges of M-Learning. It concludes by recommending provision of M-learning gadgets such as mobile phones, smartphones, laptops, iPods etc., for collaborative and personal learning at their convenient time which will bring about improvement in learning and teaching of science.聽 Article visualizations

    ICT Usage and Learning Outcomes of Pupils in Primary Schools in Uganda

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    Learning Outcomes of pupils have become an issue of concern in developing countries. Resource poor countries have decried the poor performance of pupils each year, and yet few schools use Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) to enhance pupil engagement and learning outcomes. Using both quantitative and qualitative approaches, the study is a cross-sectional survey, with a proportionate random sample of primary schools drawn from both rural and urban settings. This study intends to assess the existing ICT infrastructure, the extent of ICT usage as well as the effect of ICT usage and pupil engagement on the learning outcomes of pupils in the primary schools in Uganda

    Is Usage a Reflection of Usability?

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    In Ugandan public universities, the usage of learning management digital platforms is low, and we conjecture that this could be a usability problem. Extant literature posits that the users, tasks, and environment analysis are key in designing and developing platforms from the inception stage to the final product launch. The integration of the above factors enables developers to ensure the usability of digital technology. We undertake a user contextual analysis of learning management digital platforms in Ugandan public universities focusing on users, their tasks and environment, and how these factors impact usability. An experimental design will be used to test hypotheses, and subsequent recommendations will be drawn